The submarine crisis with Australia, the war in Ukraine … The “8:30 franceinfo” of General Trinquand and Nicolas Tenzer

The former head of the French military mission to the UN, General Dominique Trinquand, and the teacher at Sciences Po specializing in Russia Nicolas Tenzer were the guests of “8:30 franceinfo” on Saturday June 11.

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L’former head of the French UN military mission and teacher at Sciences Po, specialist in Russia, were the guests of the “8:30 am franceinfo” Saturday June 11. They answer questions from Ersin Leibowitch and Myriam Encaoua.

Submarine crisis: “A very bad deal for everyone”

Despite the announcement of compensation of 555 million euros paid to Naval group by the Australian government for the breach of the contract for the purchase of French submarines, General Dominique Trinquand judges that this crisis between France and the Australia was “a very bad deal for everyone“.

Port of Odessa: a French “change of tone”

France’s desire to participate in an operation to unblock the port of Odessa in Ukraine in order to export Ukrainian cereals to countries that need it marks “a change of tone from President Emmanuel Macron“, analyzes Nicolas Tenzer. The operation promises however “extraordinarily complicated”, indicates Dominique Trinquand.

Ukrainian military strategy in question

The battle for the key city of Severodonetsk, in the Donbass, questions Dominique Trinquand. “J‘admitted that I don’t understand tactically why Ukrainians want to fight so hard to defend what is indefensible,’ asks the general.

Watch the full interview in the video below:

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