The Minister of Transport breaks his silence after the vote on the immigration bill on December 19.
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“I assume that there was collective mobilization and pressure, ahead of the vote, because many things seemed extremely dangerous and problematic to us in the text left the Senate. It’s not a question of blackmail, of threats.” In an interview with Parisian, Wednesday January 3, Clément Beaune breaks the silence after the vote on the immigration bill on December 19. Very upset with the text coming out of the Senate, the Minister of Transport had organized a Telegram loop that day called “Values” to which several ministers, from the left wing, had been invited. An invitation to dinner had also been extended by this early Macronist.
Only Aurélien Rousseau, the Minister of Health, had finally slammed the door; the resignation of the Minister of Higher Education, Sylvie Retailleau, had been refused by the executive. “You can accuse me of whatever you want, but no evasion. I could have stayed away from the subject, but it was too serious and important to stay away”now justifies Clément Beaune. “Do I think that after having exchanged a lot with the Prime Minister, we have moved the text in the right direction? Yes. Is it over? No, there are still battles to be fought . Do I want to participate? Yes”he adds.