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In France, there are 233 sub-prefectures. They help the inhabitants, but also local elected officials in their various administrative procedures, and are a symbol of the presence of theState closer to the inhabitants, especially in rural areas.
To Les Granges-le-Roi (Essone)Stephane Synagogasub-prefect of Étampes (Essone)visits a school after renovation works. This is the daily life of the sub-prefect, who meets the mayor of Les Granges-le-Roi that day, where there is talk of a new development for the town hall. The sub-prefect dialogues with the 75 municipalities of his district. It can fund projects on behalf of theState and make sure of safety standards, but it also takes a lot of guidance.
Symbol of the presence of theState closer to the inhabitants, especially in rural areas, the sub-prefecture of Éstamps has a reception point, a concrete help for the population in the administrative procedures. An acclaimed proximity in the town of Montdidier (Sum)where a sub-prefect sent to Amiens (Sum) a few years ago will be making a comeback by December. Today, there are 233 sub-prefectures in France.