the student threw himself from the 3rd floor

The drama took place this Friday morning at Bellevue high school in Le Mans. A 15-year-old transgender student took his own life by jumping from the 3rd floor.

A second student from Bellevue high school in Le Mans committed suicide this Friday, May 13 on the premises of the establishment.

“We are very upset. It’s a shock for all of us. We cried a lot. We all tried to find each other, it was very complicated, testifies a high school student of the establishment, we tried to talk about him together, about his parents. Personally, I didn’t expect too much.”

Another high school girl testifies, “He was nice, he was laughing. I didn’t think that would happen. He told us he wasn’t doing very well. However, a few days later I see him smiling, making jokes. I didn’t think that would happen.”

According to his friends, met by our journalists on the spot, the student who committed suicide was a transgender high school student, born a woman.

“He told us not long ago that he wanted to come out to his parents. His stepdad didn’t seem very happy, but he seemed happy about it. talk to his mother about it. He said to himself: “It’s cool, I think she’s going to take it well”.

According to our colleagues from France Bleu Maine, thestudent, a 15-year-old intern, jumped from a fire escape on the third floor of the establishment.

The tragedy occurred at the time of the 10 a.m. break.

“He had a French lesson for 2 hours and during the break he went to get some air on a balcony and he tried to jump. One of his classmates tried to catch him but couldn’t hold him back “, says a high school student.

Classes have been suspended for the day. A psychological support unit has been set up.

The mayor of Le Mans, Stéphane Le Foll must go to Lycée Bellevue in the afternoon “in order to provide support to the educational community and will mobilize, in conjunction with the Prefecture and National Education, all means allowing the listening and support of students affected by this dramatic event”.

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