the strike movement at TotalEnergies “will continue at least until Wednesday noon”, announces the coordinator of the CGT

“We will see what will happen next at the general meetings” of employees on Wednesday, CGT coordinator Eric Sellini told AFP.

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The CGT representatives of the oil sites of TotalEnergies on strike for three weeks to obtain wage increases, proposed “the renewal of the movement” until Wednesday at midday, said Tuesday evening October 18 to AFP Eric Sellini, coordinator of the CGT at the national level. “The conflict will continue at least until Wednesday noon, and we will see what will happen next during the general meetings” of employees on Wednesday, added Eric Sellini.

In addition, following the day of mobilization and strikes on Tuesday throughout France, “there will also be meetings of all the organizations of the CGT which will decide whether this day calls for others”he added. “Beyond the refiners and the 14,000 employees of TotalEnergies, we also carry the voice of those who suffer from the fact that wages do not keep up with inflation and who see winter coming with promises of higher fuel prices. ‘energy or food’he specified.

“It is at the national level that this question must be dealt with, because we are in a very special situation”, added the manager. The strike action at the call of the CGT in the refineries and depots concerned Tuesday evening the TotalEnergies sites in Normandy, Donges, La Mède, Feyzin (the depot, the refinery being stopped for technical reasons) and Flandres (depot ), detailed Eric Sellini.

The CGT did not sign the wage agreement concluded last Friday between the management and two majority unions (CFE-CGC and CFDT), providing for a general increase of 5% in wages, accompanied by individual increases and a bonus exceptional amount between 3,000 and 6,000 euros. The CGT demanded a 10% increase to offset the inflation expected this year and take advantage of the exceptional income earned by the oil group in 2021.

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