The strength of the PQ | The duty

Currently, the Parti Québécois (PQ) has only seven members of the National Assembly and, according to the most recent Léger polls, the third official opposition is languishing at 15% of voting intentions among Francophones.

His path may be strewn with pitfalls, if we rely on the harsh observations made by activists, especially young people, during the last National Council of the party. Inconsistency in decisions, shifts in directions, questionable choices in various files, especially on environmental policy, these are all subjects that politicians have been criticized for, particularly by the youth wing of the party.

Never mind, the leader of the PQ, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon (PSPP), undertook to travel across Quebec with his pilgrim’s stick with the intention of mobilizing young people to the independence cause, declaring that “the PQ did not put all the efforts in the past and perhaps took for granted that young people were automatically in favor of independence ”.

When he was elected head of the PQ a year ago, PSPP pledged to be a constant leader on the ground to rebuild his political formation, but health restrictions linked to the pandemic thwarted his plans. He therefore intends to work twice as hard this year to make up for lost time before the October 2022 elections … Can the PQ recover?
its vigor?


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