the streets of Boutcha, in the suburbs of kyiv, strewn with corpses



France 2

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Sunday April 3, horror images are reached of Butchanear kyiv in Ukraine. More than 300 corpses were found in the streets of the city.

Russian forces have withdrawn from the suburbs of kyiv (Ukraine), in particular from the towns of Irpin and Boutcha. “When one manages to enter these territories, one discovers the horror there, after the weeks of bombardments. Here the shells were falling day and night. Life has come to a standstill, and (…) the situation would be catastrophic in Boutcha, with bodies littering the main streets of the city“, reports, Sunday, April 3, Arnaud Comte, special envoy to Irpin, neighboring town of Boutcha.

There are corpses of civilians. Some would even have their hands bandaged behind their backs with white fabrics, which suggests, for observers, that war crimes have been committed. In Boutcha, according to the mayor of the city, 287 civilians have already been killed. The situation is such that three mass graves had to be hastily dug“, concludes Arnaud Comte.

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