“the Strasbourg seat is not debatable” according to Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Jean-Luc Mélenchon is in Strasbourg this Tuesday, January 18. The candidate of rebellious France for the presidential election came to present its program for Europe.

Strasbourg, symbolic capital of Europe according to Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Jean-Luc Mélenchon assures the France Bleu Alsace microphone be in favor of maintaining the headquarters in Strasbourg. “The Strasbourg seat is not debatable. It is in the founding treaties. We cannot imagine that Strasbourg is no longer the natural capital that it is. Brussels snuck in the middle because the French were weak. But the natural capital, the center of the EU, is Strasbourg“, explains the candidate of rebellious France.

And you and I know why. It is because Strasbourg and Alsace, having ceased to be an issue between French and Germans, embodies the desire for peace that we all have. Therefore I do not beat around the bush. It’s not French croaking. It is a symbol. We must recognize the weight and importance of symbols of peace in the life of Europe. The seat of Strasbourg is not debatable and those who want to discuss must expect an absolute opposition on my part on this subject. Strasbourg is in my eyes the capital of Europe“, continues Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

The far-left candidate also specifies that in the event of victory he intends to leave the austerity pact.

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