The strange reaction of Nordalh Lelandais when Maëlys’ mother told him her four truths

Answers to her questions and justice at all costs… This is precisely what Jennifer de Araujo, the mother of little Maëlys, wants to obtain. As Nordahl Lelandais’ trial for kidnapping and murder begins on January 31, 2021, the latter hopes to get answers to her questions about this tragedy that occurred in 2017.

As a reminder, the main suspect in this case has already confessed to the facts six months after the disappearance of the little girl. At the time, the 30-year-old had even led the investigators to the bones of Maëlys, explaining that he had killed him involuntarily by punching him in the face while he was driving after having kidnapped him during an accident. a wedding where Maëlys went with her parents.

Invited on the set of “C à Vous”, Jennifer de Araujo also returned to this terrible moment when Nordahl Lelandais reconstituted the scene alongside the investigators…. “At the end of the reenactment, when he showed the place where he had left my daughter for more than six months, all alone, in the forest, I told him that he had abandoned my daughter like trash in the nature, that he was just a freak and a pedophile”, remembered the mother of Maëlys.

“I told him he had no soul and deserved to rot in prison. He didn’t lower his eyes. He met my gaze. He said nothing and went back to his prison. added the latter who remembers in detail the reaction of the alleged murderer of her child…

Lisa Ziane

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