Where were these beepers manufactured? Confusion reigns over the origin of these devices, with several companies and countries passing the buck. In Budapest, Hungary, the company BAC Consulting does not provide any further details.
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After the explosion of pagers used by Hezbollah agents and fighters, which left at least 12 dead and nearly 2,800 injured on Monday, September 16, a consensus among experts is emerging on how this unprecedented attack was orchestrated: a few grams of a powerful explosive were inserted into the pagers intended for Hezbollah. The question now is where these pagers were manufactured, and on this subject, there is total confusion, with each company and each country passing the buck.
One thing is certain: the pagers that exploded bear the name of a brand: Gold Apollo, based in Taiwan. Its executives explained that “the design and manufacture of these products were the sole responsibility of BAC Consulting”, a company based in Hungary. They even give an address, in Budapest, where franceinfo went. It is a small building: there is no factory and a woman says that no one comes to work here for BAC Consulting.
The head of this company, contacted by an American television channel, explained that she was not “than an intermediary”, This was confirmed by the government spokesman, specifying that “the devices in question have never been on Hungarian soil.”
On Wednesday evening, an independent investigative media outlet, Telex, went even further, claiming that it was ultimately another company – Norta Global Ltd – based in Sofia, Bulgaria, which imported the pagers from Taiwan and sold them to Hezbollah.
While all eyes are on Israel in this affair, the Hebrew state has still not commented on these explosions, while the United States has warned all parties against “an escalation of any kind“These waves of explosions exacerbate fears of an all-out war between Hezbollah and Israel.