the story of Timothy Shaddock, this Australian sailor saved by fishermen


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – E. Huin, F. Fontaine

France Televisions

Timothy Shaddock, an Australian who drifted for two months in the Pacific with his dog, Bella, feeding on raw fish, arrived in Mexico on Tuesday July 18, aboard the fishing boat that saved his life. Narrative.

An unexpected return to solid ground. 51-year-old Australian Timothy Shaddock and his dog Bella, come to spend almost two months in the middle of the ocean, before being rescued by the crew of a Mexican fishing vessel. “I’m very grateful. I’m alive and you know, I really didn’t think I was going to get out of this.“, he said after his rescue. The miracle happened a few hours earlier. A helicopter and fishermen from a Mexican tuna boat spotted his catamaran adrift. Exhausted, it is the hand on the heart that he welcomed his saviors.

His sailboat hit by a storm

From the city of La Paz, Mexico, the sailor planned to reach French Polynesia. A crossing of 6,000 km. As soon as he left, his sailboat was hit by a violent storm, causing significant damage on board. He then had no way of contacting the emergency services. The duo of survivors lived for weeks on raw fish and rainwater. Survival reflexes that saved them. “It was difficult, my health was pretty bad for a while, I was very hungry, and I didn’t think I could survive the storm”, he added. The sailor should return to Australia very soon with one idea in mind: to quickly recover in shapeto navigate again.

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