the story of Oscar, two and a half years old, with a genetic disease


France 2

Article written by

F. Griffond, P. Legrand, J.-P. Giroux, J. Welch, G. Liaboeuf – France 2

France Televisions

While the 35th edition of the Telethon began on Saturday, December 3, meeting with Oscar, 2 and a half years old, who suffers from a genetic disease. Thanks to gene therapy, he is still alive.

He can go down and up the stairs, and that’s already quite a victory. Oscar, 2 and a half years old, has a genetic disease that affects all the muscles in the body. “We were told that Oscar had an extremely serious illness and that he risked dying before the age of two if he did not take treatment.”, remembers Julie Bayard, his mother. Fortunately, the little boy was able to benefit from an injection of gene therapy in a clinical trial. “The moment he received his treatment was like a second birth for us”, explains his mother.

Today, Oscar can run and play football, much to the delight of his cousin, Nathan, 4 years old. To continue to progress, Oscar does physiotherapy once a week before going to school. “He’s a lot more active today, he’s made progress.” His family looks to the future much more calmly. Oscar’s case holds great promise and a sign that research is advancing.


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