the sticking points between the majority and LR


Video length: 1 min

Immigration law: the sticking points between the majority and LR

Immigration law: the sticking points between the majority and LR – (franceinfo)

Meeting this Monday, December 18, the joint committee was interrupted several times. The majority and Les Républicains differ on several articles of the text, including social benefits granted to foreign workers.

The first day of the joint committee proved to be a failure. The fourteen parliamentarians failed to find an agreement on the immigration bill. In question, the numerous points of disagreement between the majority and The Republicans. The right wants in particular to make the payment of social benefits to foreign workers conditional on a 5-year presence on French soil. A red line that the majority parliamentarians do not want to cross.

Compromises found

On the other hand, the latter gave in on the question of the regularization of undocumented workers in professions in tension. This will be decided by the prefects, and not conferred by law. Another request from LR parliamentarians, a reform of state medical aid, accepted by the Macronists. The debates will resume on Tuesday. If agreed, the text will be examined in the Senate, then in the National Assembly.

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