the statue of Napoleon will be back on the forecourt of the town hall

Napoleon should find the square of the town hall of Rouen. The town hall made public on Monday the results of the citizen consultation launched, among other things, on the issue of this statue, but also more generally on the representation of women in the public space. 4,080 responses were recorded by the city services, but only 3,502 were retained. Only Rouen residents had the right to participate in the consultation, on presentation of proof of address.

The town hall reiterates that it will comply with the responses of the consultation

The result is clear: 68% of participants want the statue to return to the square. Remember that it was withdrawn for renovation in the summer of 2020, the town hall is investing 200,000 euros for this site. Note that nearly two out of three voters also request the installation of a panel with the statue, allowing it to be placed in its historical and political context.

Another lesson from this consultation, 65% of voters want the representation of women to be strengthened for the naming of streets and public spaces.

The Town Hall will naturally follow these guidelines, as it had undertaken to do.“, specifies the community in its press release.

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