the statements to the investigators of the third occupant of the car

The 17-year-old Nahel’s friend said the two police officers beat the teenager with their rifle butts before shooting.

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White march in memory of Nahel on June 29.  (OLIVIER CORSAN / MAXPPP)

The third occupant of the car in which Nahel, 17, was killed by a police officer on Tuesday June 27 in Nanterre during a police check, delivered his version of the facts on Monday July 3 to IGPN investigators, the font of fonts.

>>> Violence after the death of Nahel: after six days of riots, what is the assessment of the damage?

The teenager, 17 years old like Nahel, was heard for four hours as a witness in this investigation opened for intentional homicide. Known to the police, he responded to a summons from the IGPN. According to him, the Mercedes in which the three friends were last Tuesday had been lent to them. He assures that none had consumed drugs or alcohol. As in the version of the facts that he delivered in the press and on social networks, the young man affirms that the tone very quickly rose during the intervention of the two police motorcyclists and that the two officials took turns round put a butt to Nahel. According to his statements, the policeman who was at Nahel’s level launched “don’t move or i’ll put a bullet in your head“. Still according to his words, the second biker then shouted “shoot it“.

It was at this time that Nahel received a third blow from the butt, says the witness, which would have made him let go of the brake pedal. The Mercedes being automatic, this would have caused it to restart. As for his running away at the time of the events, the third occupant of the car explains that he panicked, that he was afraid that the police would also shoot him.

A different version of the policeman

This version differs from that of the police officer who fired the shot. While in police custody, the biker explained his action by the desire to avoid another escape from the vehicle and the fear of being hit. He also feared that someone else would be knocked down. During his free hearing, the second biker had also assured that he felt threatened. This line of defence, supposed to fall under the conditions of the 2017 law on the use of weapons by the police, did not convince the prosecutor who requested the provisional detention of the official who fired, a request followed by the judges.

The 38-year-old policeman has been incarcerated in the Health prison since last Thursday, in solitary confinement, to ensure his own safety. But his lawyer contests the decision and has already announced an appeal against this placement in pre-trial detention.

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