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The position taken by the leader of France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, on the tensions around Taiwan and his support for China are far from unanimous at Nupes.
The Nupes is torn about China and Taiwan, Saturday August 6th. At the heart of the controversy, the visit of the head of the American deputies, Nancy Pelosi, on the island. For Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the number 1 of the Insoumis, this trip arouses is a “provocation”. “There is only one China (…) Taiwan is an integral part of China”, he added on his blog. It thus adopts the same position as Beijing (China). His embassy in Paris greeted and thanked the leader of the Insoumis.
What cause friction within the Nupes. “We consider for our part that the Taiwanese have the right to choose their future”, reacted Sandra Regol, deputy national secretary of EELV. The Socialist Party has also distanced itself, considering, through its first secretary, Olivier Faure, that “the advisability of Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan is questionable”but that “the will of the Taiwanese to live in a democracy is not”. This controversy within Nupes highlights radically different conceptions of foreign policy.