A mountain of rubbish at the foot of the cliff, this is the spectacle offered by the coastal landfill of Dollemard just north of Le Havre (Seine-Maritime). Traveling to Le Havre this Friday, February 18, the Secretary of State for Biodiversity Bérangère Abba announced that the State would help the municipality up to 50% and without ceiling in the landfill resorption site.
This financial aid will concern a total of 55 coastal landfills in Franceincluding three others in Seine-Maritime (Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer, Le Tréport and Berneval-le-Grand) and one in Eure (Berville-sur-Mer).
– Theophile Vareille
A project estimated at 15 million euros
“It is a rather rare commitment from the State, at such amounts, says Bérangère Abbacorn it is necessary because the local authorities, carriers of these resorption projects, must have the certainty of being able to go to the end.“
This financial announcement is of course a delight to Edouard Philippe, “that’s excellent news“, but he warns that he “rest of the work“. An experimental site was carried out last summer on the Dollemard landfill to remove 3,000 cubic meters of waste, or about one hundredth of the 400,000 cubes of the landfill.
2026 target for the end of the project
The municipality now intends to draw lessons from this experimental site to determine the shape of the future resorption site. Three possibilities are on the table: dike the landfill, remove only toxic waste (asbestos, explosives, metals, plastics…) or remove all waste.
This should be decided in the spring, with the objective of the end of the construction site “by the end of my mandate“says Edouard Philippe, either in 2026. The mayor of Le Havre already estimates the cost of the construction site at “around 15 million euros“.