The State wants to renationalise EDF 100%, announces the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne

As of April 7, the state held nearly 84% of the company. The State wishes to regain full control of the group, in order to ensure France’s “sovereignty” in energy matters.

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The French State has set itself the objective “to hold 100% of the capital of EDF”, and therefore to renationalise the energy company. This measure was announced by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne during her speech to the National Assembly on Wednesday July 6. “The climate emergency imposes strong, radical decisions. We must have full control of our electricity production and its performanceshe justified in front of the deputies. We must ensure our sovereignty in the face of the consequences of war and in the face of the colossal challenges ahead.”

VIDEO. "I confirm the State's intention to hold 100% of EDF's capital"says Elisabeth Borne

“This change will enable EDF to strengthen its ability to carry out ambitious and essential projects as soon as possible for our energy future”continued the Prime Minister. During the presidential campaign, Emmanuel Macron had mentioned a renationalisation of EDF within the framework of“a broader reform”. As of April 7, the state owned almost 84% of the company.

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