the State ordered to compensate caregivers


Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – F. Bouquillat, S. Ricottier, P. Minet

France Televisions

Justice has just condemned the French state, making it responsible for the lack of masks before the pandemic. A court decision which may lead to compensation. Explanations.

This is a relief for the thirty people who took legal action. The stock of masks was insufficient before the Covid-19 epidemic, and the State is responsible for this. The Paris Administrative Court of Appeal goes even further, and grants partial compensation for people most exposed to the risk of infection, particularly through their profession, because they were thus deprived of a chance to escape contamination.

19 health professionals died from Covid

Among them, the family of a general practitioner from La Courneuve (Seine-Saint-Denis), who died in April 2020. 14,000 euros for his wife, 7,000 euros for each child, “recognition“, according to their lawyer.”This victory is truly symbolic. We have the feeling of being able to move forward with our grief.”, declares Me Benjamin Fellous, the lawyer for the victim’s family. The State has two months to refer the matter to the Council of State. Between March and December 2020, 19 healthcare professionals died from Covid.

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