By interministerial decree of December 21, 2021 published in the Official Journal of January 14, 2022, thestate of natural disaster is recognized for the municipality of Gray-la-Ville, in Haute-Saône, for damage caused by ground movements following drought and soil rehydration, over the period from July 1 to September 30, 2020.
A period of 10 days
The Haute-Saône prefecture specifies that “compensation is made by the insurer of the owner of the property, if the damage is directly linked to the disaster and within the limit of the guarantee ceilings“.
The owners of the damaged property have a period of 10 days maximum after the publication of the interministerial decree to send their insurance company a declaration of loss (if they have not done so within 5 days after the disaster) as well as a copy of the decree.