the state of health of the animator worries more and more!

Daredevil and real electric battery, Vincent Lagaf ‘should soon return to our screens in a new show. But before that, the famous animator of Bigdil, The Fair Priceor Strikemust recover physically from his serious motorcycle accident which occurred last March. “Hello everyone people. How are you doing? Me, strangely, I feel broken… Are you surprised? Do not hesitate to answer, I will have time to read your comments”, he announced on his social networks, from his hospital room. The host also took the opportunity to reveal his broken leg, in a cast, following a trial outing which did not go as planned.

A few weeks later, the host gave new news and probably not those expected by his fans. If he appeared with his eternal smile, he was however in an armchair and unable to walk. “Many of you ask me for news, it’s very nice. As you can see, I’m somewhat immobilized but on the other hand, I’m mobile”he quipped before seeing the good side of things: “I have the possibility to move at will”.

No more crutches, but a cane

Two months after his accident, and finally standing, it is a Vincent Lagaf ‘crutches who appeared on social networks, very happy to have abandoned the chair on which he had been moving for several weeks. “As you can see, no more electric chair, no more manual chair, nothing. Two crutches and I started rehabilitation. It’s very painful. It hurts everywhere. But I’m hopeful, I’ll heal relatively quicklyhe reassured himself.

But what about five months later? Unfortunately, the physical health of the host does not seem to have been recovered yet, far from it. Indeed, he posted a new video on his Instagram account this Saturday, July 30, in which he moved… with a cane. Admittedly, the wheelchair and crutches now seem behind him, however, Internet users expressed their concern when they discovered Vincent Lagaf ‘in this state. “Still with the cane? What happened?”asked in particular one of them, not reassured by discovering the facilitator still physically diminished.

See also: Vincent Lagaf ‘: his devastated family, the assassination she has to face…


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