For Nicolas Marques, Director General of the Molinari Institute, we must introduce a dose of capitalization to the pension system, if we do not want to end up with a two-speed system.
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The recipe for filling, in the long term, the deficit of the general pension system according to the government, is to make the assets work for two more years. But the problem is elsewhere according to Nicolas Marques, director general of the Molinari Institute, a liberal think tank. He points the finger at the person who manages the regime, namely the state: “In France, the State gets involved in everything, but the subject is not distribution. It exists in the private sector, it can be very well managed at Agirc-Arrco with social partners who, from the CGT at Medef, are capable of making the right decisions. On the contrary, the State only makes bad decisions. The State has promised 2,600 billion to active civil servants and retirees and it has set nothing aside, esteem, Thursday, April 6, Nicolas Marques.
“The state has not created pension governance. It should start by creating a pension fund with its social partners and provisioning them.”
Nicolas Marques, Director General of the Molinari Instituteat franceinfo
“We have made capitalization a strange monster”
Argument put forward by the government, the pay-as-you-go pension system must be saved, otherwise you will have capitalization. But in fact there is already capitalization in France, compulsory and collective, among civil servants. And yet it is taboo. “Why is it taboo? Because we have made capitalization a strange monster. But we cannot at the same time oppose inequalities in our country and refuse collective capitalization which is the most egalitarian of pensions. Because everyone benefits regardless of income, habits. If you want to avoid two-tier systems, you have to generalize collective capitalization, so that everyone benefits”, pleads the director general of the Molinari Institute.