“The State is doing everything possible to try to protect all elected officials”, defends a Renaissance deputy

The resigning mayor of Saint-Brevin pointed to a “lack of state support”, but according to Guillaume Kasbarian, Thursday on franceinfo, “the state is doing its best”.

“The State is doing everything possible to try to protect all elected officials from the daily violence they may experience and sometimes including in their homes”defends Thursday, May 11 on franceinfo Guillaume Kasbarian, Renaissance deputy for Eure-et-Loir and president of the economic affairs committee, after the resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins.

>> Far-right demonstrations, “despicable leaflets”, fire: these months of harassment which pushed the mayor of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins to resign

Yannick Morez, the mayor of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, a commune in Loire-Atlantique where a project concerning a reception center for asylum seekers is arousing strong opposition, announced his resignation on Wednesday after the arson of his home in March.

“I support him and I support all these elected representatives of territories who every day everywhere in France face the aggressiveness of a small, sometimes violent, extremist minority who try to win by violence when they have not won. by voting”added Guillaume Kasbarian.

“I know it’s hard, I know that we have mayors who carry projects which are sometimes not popular, which do not please everyone”detailed the deputy of Eure-et-Loir. “We don’t just do popular things to please everyone, sometimes we do projects of general interest and you have to have the courage to carry them out”he insisted.

“I understand that some are discouraged, I give them my full support.”

Guillaume Kasbarian, Renaissance MP for Eure-et-Loir

on franceinfo

Yannick Morez lamented a “lack of state support”but according to Guillaume Kasbarian, “the state is doing its best”. “The State is often present to help” elected officials threatened. “Sometimes you can have the feeling that it’s a bit slow, that you’re helpless when you’re faced with people who are ready for anything and you have the impression that you’re not going to make it. Behind in the shadows there are many people who act, who protect”these elected officials, according to the deputy for Eure-et-Loir.

Watch the full interview and video:

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