the State fined 20 million euros for its inaction in the face of air pollution


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The French state was sentenced to a record fine of 20 million euros for not having acted sufficiently against air pollution, Monday, October 17.

They are invisible to the naked eye but nevertheless very present. Nitrogen dioxide and fine particles PM-10, resulting from industrial activity, domestic heating or car traffic, lead and pollute the atmosphere. The government has been required to comply with air pollution thresholds for more than 10 years, and for more than five years the Council of State has called on the government to act in this direction.

The observation is to this day without appeal: the measures taken are still far from the mark. The government was then sanctioned with a record fine of 20 million euros. The sum will be distributed among the public organizations for the fight against air pollution. Fine particle pollution is the cause of 40,000 deaths each year. It therefore represents a very important public health issue.

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