“The State cannot indefinitely subsidize the price at the pump”, considers the general rapporteur of the finance commission



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Renaissance MP Jean-René Cazeneuve was the guest of franceinfo on Monday.

“The state cannot subsidize the price at the pump indefinitely”estimated Monday July 25 on franceinfo the general rapporteur of the finance committee, the Renaissance deputy Jean-René Cazeneuve.

On Saturday, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, said he was in favor of increasing the discount on the liter of fuel from 18 to 30 cents, in a compromise with the LR deputies who called for going “further away”. “The discount could increase from 18 to 30 euro cents in September and October, then increase to 10 in November and 10 in December”had detailed the minister.

The idea, explains Jean-René Cazeneuve, is that “the discount is more important and fixed and generalized to all French people from September”. “The state must still end up getting out of this system”he said, because “our objective is still also the restoration of public finances.” However, the general rapporteur of the Finance Committee adds that “If the outbreak continues, we are ready and perhaps we will have to vote on other measures in 2023.”

In addition, on Friday July 22, the National Assembly voted to double the tax-free aid that companies can pay to employees to cover their fuel costs, raising the ceiling from 200 to 400 euros – increased from 200 to 600 for Overseas. “We must ensure that working French people are not penalized by the prices at the pump“, then said the rapporteur of the budget Jean-René Cazeneuve.

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