the start of the school year in the crosshairs of “learning holidays” at the Châteauponsac college

A few days before the start of the school year, next Thursday, the “open school-learning holidays” operation is renewed this year in certain establishments: voluntary pupils follow lessons and revisions, but also participate in sports and fun activities. At the Châteauponsac college, around thirty students have been taking part every day since Wednesday in this operation, the layout of which seems to suit Maëlle very well: “in the morning, we do revisions, in the afternoon we do activities outside the college” she summarizes. As at the Lac de Saint Pardoux for example, where Elona visibly appreciated the program: “first we went sailing, yesterday we did Laser Game in the forest“, activities that she probably wouldn’t have done if she had stayed at home,”it’s better to do it with others than alone in your corner or just with your family, it’s funnier” she believes.

It’s not just classes, so that’s cool

It’s also another way to enjoy college, says Romane. “Suddenly, we take advantage, we can do activities, it’s not just lessons so it’s cool. And then it’s with our friends that we haven’t seen for a long time, so we can meet up and suddenly it’s good“explains the teenager, surrounded by her friends.

A double pedagogical interest

It is also very interesting on an educational level, explains Laurent Trillon, the Principal Educational Advisor of the establishment. “It clearly allows children who have not gone on vacation to find themselves through rather nice activities.” he said on the one hand, “and for some of them, it’s a special moment with a teacher when there isn’t this pressure of evaluation, from the gaze of the other, they will raise their hand, ask questions. It’s a beautiful time to hang the school year“concludes the CPE, which indicates that every day, between 26 and 28 college students take part in these learning holidays, which is a lot for an establishment which has less than 200 students. A taste of recovery, in a way, before the “real” back to school next Thursday, September 1st.

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