the star rugby player’s lawyer drops a bomb!

One year in prison for domestic violence. Judged in immediate appearance for facts which took place on Friday May 26, the Montpellier rugby player, Mohamed Haouas will not however go to prison thanks to a flexible sentence and his wife says to herself “relieved” by this decision. The latter was also present at the trial which was held on Tuesday, May 30.

The pillar of the MHR was arrested in downtown Montpellier on Friday afternoon and told the police that he had caught his wife smoking. Annoyed by the situation, he would then have pulled him by force from the shopping center in which they were before giving him a slap and tripping him. The 29-year-old sportsman then dragged her violently into a parking lot 800 meters away.

SEE ALSO: This famous rugby player is close to death… after catching his wife in bed with his teammate

Mohamed Haouas, jealous of his wife’s social life?

Invited to react this Wednesday, May 31 on the set of BFM TV, Marc Gallix, lawyer for Mohamed Haouas, gave his feelings after his client’s trial. “What I felt from the debates yesterday was that my client did not support or accept that his wife finds a job because it is the first time”he explained by videoconference.

The lawyer adds: “He also couldn’t stand her hanging out with work colleagues, starting to smoke when she’s never smoked. So I say it’s just jealousy”. For Marc Gallix, the international of the XV of France would have been jealous that his wife had a social life that “for the moment she had not”. “Since until now she took care of the children, she brought them to school, so I think it was jealousy that pushed her to commit this act”he suggested before condemning this act “which is totally reprehensible”. He also wanted to ensure, “once again”that he does not “didn’t support it”.


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