the star confesses everything and reveals behind the scenes of an infernal spiral…

Gad Elmaleh has things to say… This Sunday, May 29, 2022, the happy father of two children confided in our colleagues at length. JDD. Unvarnished, the ex-companion of Charlotte Casiraghi spoke of his relationship to alcohol. According to his words, the actor drank without moderation in the past. And he took a long time to put his finger on the problem. Fortunately, everything ended on “August 21, 2021”.

” It was too much “, directed Gad Elmaleh. “On stage, I describe myself as ‘an asymptomatic alcoholic’. Some might say ‘worldly’.” The opportunity for him to be completely transparent about this old addiction. “The alcoholic is not always a guy who rolls on the ground and bleeds from the nose. He’s also a classy guy who goes on glasses of champagne while laughing, “ said Gad Elmaleh. “Me, I drank at all times. I was happy, I was drinking; I was unhappy, I was drinking; I put on a good show, I drank; a bad show, I was drinking”.

“The next step is sexual abstinence…”

With philosophy, the sidekick of Jamel Debbouze has finally opted for a completely different lifestyle. Exit alcohol… But also cigarettes. To recharge his batteries, the main interested party also enjoys taking spiritual retreats in reclusive abbeys around the world. “The life of a monk fascinates him”said Gad Elmaleh who now prefers to lead a much more peaceful daily life. “It’s probably age related. “.

On the heart side, the star would always be a heart to take… But his sentimental situation does not bother him more than that. Quite the contrary! “I purify at all levels: in my professional, personal life…”confessed the artist. “The next step is sexual abstinence. Nah, I’m joking ! “. Inspired by the subject, Gad Elmaleh may well surprise us with his upcoming projects. “Tantrism fascinates me”, he concluded without saying more. To be continued…


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