the standoff continues between Poland and Belarus



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On the border between Poland and Belarus, thousands of migrants are still stranded. A situation which caused a diplomatic crisis between the two nations.

Thousands of migrants are currently massed on the Polish-Belarusian border. Pushed by Belarus to join Polish territory, they were immediately pushed back by the 15,000 Polish soldiers present on the spot. Sunday, November 14, about fifty people tried to force the passage, in vain. Loudspeakers broadcast messages in Arabic, urging migrants to return home. On the spot, the migrants are confronted with terrible cold. Since the start of the crisis, ten people have lost their lives.

The European Union believes that the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, orchestrated this crisis to avenge European sanctions against his country in 2020. These sanctions were taken following the repression of opponents of the regime. Monday, November 15, Europe is expected to sanction the Minsk regime again (Belarus) as well as those involved in the smuggling of migrants. The Belarusian foreign minister has already called these measures counterproductive.

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