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In the United States, a decisive day is played, Tuesday, November 8. Joe Biden is halfway through his term, so Americans are voting to renew Congress. Update on the challenges of these midterms with Loïc De La Mornais, correspondent for France Télévisions in Washington.
Crucial voting day in the United States and for much of the rest of the world, this Tuesday, November 8. “These are the mid-term elections, which traditionally are a sanction vote against the President in office. And this year 2022 should be no exception to the rule”reports Loïc De La Mornais, Washington correspondent for France Télévisions. “According to the latest polls, the House of Representatives, the equivalent of our National Assembly, which must be completely renewed, would swing back to the Republican right”adds the journalist.
Door open to the return of Donald Trump in 2024
One third of the seats in the Senate, “the most powerful chamber here in Congress”must be renewed. “The results are extremely close, they could be played out to within a seat, and we might have to wait several days to know the results”, explains Loïc De La Mornais. Two consequences are possible, “depending on the extent of the Republican right: geopolitical consequences, for us, in Europe, in France, in particular for the climate, and obviously on the war in Ukraine. The other major consequence is according to the extent of the candidates Trumpists. If they do particularly well, it would open the doors wide open for Donald Trump to return in 2024.”concludes the journalist.