the staging of Jean Lassalle, who had claimed his abstention before the ballot box, causes the cancellation of the ballot in his commune

The candidate risks criminal prosecution.

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A small number that could cost the whimsical candidate dearly. The results of the vote for the second round of the presidential election of the office of the municipality of Lourdios-Ichère (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) have been canceled, announced the Constitutional Council on Wednesday April 27. In question: the staging carried out by Jean Lassalle in front of the ballot box.

In front of the cameras, the unsuccessful candidate of the first round “publicly staged his abstention and took the floor to express (…) his refusal to participate in the election” before broadcasting the video on the networks, reminds the Council in a press release.

What contravene the electoral code which prohibits “the dissemination of messages of an electoral propaganda nature the day before and on election day”, but also carry “attack on the respect due to the dignity of the electoral operations in which he participated as a candidate in the first round”believe the Sages, who also refer to“possible criminal proceedings”.

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