the Stages et Alternance forum back on the Burgundy campus

What if your professional career started with a steak and fries at the university canteen? It is possible this Thursday, November 25 with the return of the “Initiativ’Emplois Stages” forum on the Dijon campus.

Meetings begin at half past twelve in the university restaurants. Students can go to lunch with business leaders. About fifty companies, administrations and public services are at the rendezvous. You can go and submit your CV, talk to recruiters and try to get an internship or a work-study contract.

The program is as follows:

12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. – University Restaurants – Lunches for students with professionals

3 p.m.-6 p.m. – Sciences Mirande building – Meeting with professionals around their Stands, discovery of their internship and job offers Possibility of discussing individually with them on their trades, internship, employment, work-study opportunities in their professional sectors, to collect their advice, to apply for their offers.

The following recruiters can be found: CEA Valduc, Groupe Rocard, Cusae, SAS, VisionSI, Neos SDI, Alteca, Administration Pénitentiaire, Police Nationale, Atol CD, Gendarmerie Nationale, Cassissium, GIE JRMF, 3 Armées, Kelly, Caisse d’Epargne BFC , Suez, Onlineformapro, Ymag, PEP BFC, APRR, CCI Formation, CCI21, UIMM, University of Burgundy, Interim R Santé, Health Industries Jobs and Skills Hub, ADEE Electronic, Directorate General of Public Finances, Samsic, Metro, Group APSALC, Communauté de communes Rives de Saône, Colruyt, Cerfrance BFC, Hillebrand, Crédit Agricole Champagne Bourgogne, OPAC 71, Auto Grill, Urgo, Régis Martelet, Ymag, Nuclear Valley, Daunat, Mairie de Dijon, Pôle Emploi, APEC, APECITA, SEFCA, etc

A first step that can lead to a CDI

For many these internships are part of their training. Rim is 23 years old, she is pursuing an engineering training and comes knocking on the door of a metallurgy company: “I am looking for an internship of 5 to 6 months, I am going well in advance, because last year everything was blocked. As part of my Master I need this practical training.”

Celia is brand new on campus, in her first year in Earth Sciences and Life, the internship is not yet compulsory for her, but she still insists on it “Yes, because it’s super useful to have knowledge of the field, I’m just looking for an observation internship and now the Covid crisis is no longer a barrier to push the door. Businesses accept us.”

The pile of CVs is lying on the stand of the Caisse d’Epargne e Bourgogne Franche-Comté. Typhaine responsible for Human Resources promises that internships can lead to permanent contracts: “We currently have around forty people in work-study training throughout the region, and the goal is to keep them with us by subsequently offering them contracts for account managers, for example. ”

Beyond this day, the university of Burgundy has an internet page to connect students and recruiters.

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