The Stadium pays a last tribute to Christophe Revault

The name of Christophe Revault is now etched forever at the Toulouse Stadium. This Saturday afternoon, the West corner of the stadium was renamed in honor of the club’s emblematic goalkeeper during half-time of the TFC-PFC match.

In the presence of her children, President Damien Comoli and the mayor of Toulouse Jean-Luc Moudenc, a plate with the portrait of Christophe Revault has been unveiled. The different jerseys worn by the goalkeeper in Rennes, PSG and Le Havre were also displayed, like a banner “Christophe Revault, forever in our goals”.

A moving tribute in a sold-out Stadium. At kick-off, the Toulouse ultras also unveiled a gigantic tifo in tribute to Christophe Revault.

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