the squad is complete with the recruitment of pivot Gavin Schilling

Limoges CSP announced on Tuesday its last recruitment for the 2022-2023 season. German-American player Gavin Schilling completes the squad at pivot position. Last season, this young 26-year-old player played for FC Bayern Munich where he held the position of strong winger. The Limoges CSP staff sees him as a multi-faceted player.

As Kevin Anstett, the sporting director of Limoges CSP, points out: “We are waiting for him to take another step forward with us, on the offensive level, as he was able to do in Braunschweig and for him to be our defensive base just like Wilfried Yeguete”.

Limoges coach Massimo Cancellieri, meanwhile, adds: “Gavin is motivated to move forward in his career and that means a lot to me. He has the physique and size that we need in the racket.”

Gavin Schilling: express bio and performance

Born in Munich, he left at the age of 8 to live in the United States with his family. His career therefore began across the Atlantic with four NCAA seasons with the Michigan Spartans. In 2018, he turned to the European championship and returned to his country of birth, Germany. He then signed for two seasons at Ratiopharm Ulm and then joined Basketball Löwen Braunschweig for one year. In 2021, he joins Bayern Munich with whom he notably plays the Euroleague. As a strong winger for Bayern, he was 4.9 points for 4.8 rebounds and 0.6 assists during the 2021-2022 season.

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