the springs of an increasingly broad anti-American front


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Lula’s Brazil chose China, with the signing of 15 economic agreements, tackling the US dollar and saying it is time to rebalance the geopolitics of the world. Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, and a strategy guided by Xi Jinping… Analysis of these new anti-American alliances in progress.

Chinese desire to seduce BRICS member countries

Countries that have come together considerably since the war in Ukraine, for the promotion of a new world. China, the dominant power in this trio, has clearly taken advantage of the war in Ukraine to accelerate its competition with its American rival. Example of this Chinese diplomatic activism: it was under the sponsorship of Beijing that on March 10, Saudi Arabia announced a rapprochement with Iran, its sworn enemy. An unexpected agreement, a snub to the United States. And behind the recent meeting between Lula and Xi Jinping, there is the Chinese will to seduce the member countries of the BRICS, which in addition to China and Russia, includes Brazil, South Africa and India, powers say emerging, non-Western. A common currency between these countries is also under study. A vague and very uncertain project.

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