the “spreading of false news”, an alibi to intimidate the press

Four journalists from an independent site were summoned after a complaint from a party close to power.

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France Televisions

Writing Africa



Reading time : 1 min.

The editor-in-chief and three journalists of the independent Egyptian media Mada Masr were questioned on September 7, 2022 by the courts on the charge in particular of “disseminating false information”. Lina Attalah, Rana Mamdouh, Sara Seif Eddin and Beesan Kassab were summoned following dozens of complaints filed by several members of the “Mostakbal Watan” party (Future of the nation, pro-regime). The latter did not at all appreciate an article accusing them of“serious financial offences”. For them, these are “false information aimed at destabilizing the country“.

“We regret that the majority political party in Egypt, known to be close to power, uses such tactics to intimidate a media outlet that acts in the name of the public interest.”

Mada Masr, online Egyptian newspaper

This is not the first time that Mada Masr or its director Lina Attallah have been accused of “defamation” of “disseminating false information aimed at destabilizing the country”. The online newspaper, which publishes investigations on security or corruption issues, in Arabic and English, is one of the few media to tackle disturbing subjects. Like hundreds of other sites, it has been blocked for years as part of the fight against fake news. Its access is only possible in Egypt thanks to a VPN (virtual private network).

The 2014 Constitution normally guarantees press freedom in Egypt. At the same time, a law passed in 2018 makes it possible to prosecute journalists who publish “fake news”. A very vague concept which aims in particular to silence dissenting voices. At this stage, the four journalists from Mada Masr are doing relatively well since they have been released on bail.

About twenty others are currently deprived of their freedom: half are in pre-trial detention, accused in particular of having disseminated false news, reports Reporters Without Borders (RSF). Cairo ranks 168th (out of 180) in RSF’s 2022 press freedom ranking.

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