the spokesperson for the RN denounces “the end of vaccine freedom”


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Reacting to the draft pass vaccinal instead of the health pass, Sébastien Chenu believes that there is in this “a scapegoat side” towards the unvaccinated.

After the announcement of the Prime Minister a bill to introduce a vaccination pass instead of the health pass early January, “it’s the end of vaccine freedom“, according to Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for National rally, guest of franceinfo this Saturday.

On November 25, Olivier Véran told us: ‘There will be no vaccination pass in France’. There is now one in preparation with two types of French: those who are vaccinated” and “those who are not and who will have a social life that will no longer look like anything“, he denounces.

When we are finally told: ‘It is the fault of 6 million French people who are not vaccinated ‘, I find that there is a scapegoat side that shocks me“, explains the RN deputy.”Every time we have a variant, are we going to ask the French to give up part of their social life?“, he asks.”I cannot vote for a bill that bans 6 million French people from social life who, for reasons which are personal to them, have decided not to be vaccinated.“protested Sébastien Chenu.

“We see that the vaccine is not the answer to everything”

Sebastien Chenu

to franceinfo

It is very unfortunate, moreover. Me, I would obviously prefer that the vaccine protects us, immunizes us and allows us to end this epidemic.“, affirms the deputy who considers that the closure of the borders with the countries most affected by the variant Omicron would be effective.

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