the spite of the “small countries” in the face of the agreement




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The Glasgow agreement, signed Saturday, November 13, casts a chill on hopes of containing the limit of 1.5 degrees of global warming. The most fragile countries, the first victims of the climate crisis, express their disappointment.

Because they already suffer the consequences of climate change on a daily basis, vulnerable countries expected much more from COP26. When the agreement was announced on Saturday, November 13, they applauded with restraint. For two weeks, these nations challenged the world, without obtaining the requested financial assistance, nor ambitious measures in their eyes. “For a country like mine, the difference between an increase of 1.5 to 2 degrees, it is a death sentence “, reacted Shauna Aminath, the Minister of the Environment of the Maldives.

Some states emphasize that thanks to compromise, the agreement is not a total failure. It is for this reason that the representatives of the Archipelago of Tuvalu, whose speech Tuesday, November 9 on the rising waters had marked the spirits, wanted to remain optimistic. “I will be able to say [à mes petits-enfants] that Glasgow made a promise to protect them in the future “, said Sap Paeniu. Until the end, negotiations were tense between the 197 countries. One of the major commitments, on coal, has been weakened. The abandonment became decrease under pressure from India, supported by China.

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