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Bruno Retailleau, senator and president of the group Les Républicains, is the guest of the “4 Vérités” of France 2, Wednesday July 13.
A new health bill was adopted in the National Assembly on the night of Tuesday July 12 to Wednesday July 13, but it was amputated from two major provisions: the health pass for those under 18 and the obligation of controls at the borders. The Prime Minister appealed to the Senate. “The spirit of responsibility, we have always had it in the Senate. If it wants to rely on the Senate, it must also receive the presidents of Senate groups. On this text, I have always been in favor of control to borders. We will have questions to ask about the reintegration of nursing staff”confides Bruno Retailleau, senator and president of the Les Républicains group, guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Wednesday July 13.
The text on purchasing power must arrive quickly before the parliamentary chambers. “We will vote for it on two conditions. Purchasing power comes from work, so we want to strengthen all the measures. On the RTTs, there is progress, we want to exempt the charges so that it does not weigh on companies. We want the end of ‘whatever it takes’, that the government starts to make savings”specifies the president of the LR group in the Senate.
LR therefore wants to co-write the law, much more than during the first five-year term? “Exactly. The government must take steps towards us, certainly there are steps that we must take. If it does not hear us, there will be a blockage. It is up to the government to consider Parliament for this that it is: a fundamental element of French democracy”assures Bruno Retailleau.