the speed reduced by 20km/h in the Landes due to a pollution peak

The maximum speed authorized on non-urban axes drops by 20km/h in the Landes from this Thursday evening July 21. A decision taken by the prefect of the Landes, Françoise Tahéri, in an order following the “persistence of the fine particle pollution alert and with regard to the information transmitted by Atmo Nouvelle-Aquitaine“, specifies the text. The prefecture confirms to France Bleu Gascogne that this decree is in direct link with the fires that ravage the south of the Girondefor about ten days.

On the other hand, roads limited to 30 and 50 km/h are not affected. The limitation is effective until the end of the pollution episode and it will be communicated “to motorists via variable message signs“. The prefect recommends that vulnerable or sensitive people limit their movements during this episode as well as limit physical activities.

source site-38