the south of the island facing the worst famine in its history


France 2

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This is the first famine that would be attributable to global warming. In the south of Madagascar, 30,000 inhabitants no longer have water and are suffering from hunger. The food program is sounding the alarm.

The Manambolo River in Madagascar is now completely dry, over more than 100 kilometers. Transformed into burning sand, the crops around have disappeared, due to lack of irrigation. The women of the village get their supplies from a stagnant water hole. “You have to dig deep, like in a mine“, says one of them. Every family has the right to fill a bucket every two days. At this time of year, the harvests should have started, but the rains stopped and the farmers did not. the slightest hope. “Before there was corn, melons, watermelons, everything grew very well until three years ago“, deplores one of them.

According to experts, this historic drought is due to climate change. Over a million people are hungry in the south of the island, and residents have fled north. Many of those who remain are malnourished, especially children and the elderly. “My brother is so weak that he can’t walk anymore“, says a resident. Only a little help was distributed a few weeks ago on the spot.”I worry about my children. I would give them whatever I find“Says a young mother. Here, few know about climate change, almost all suffer the consequences. Thousands of villages in southern Madagascar are on the verge of experiencing the worst famine in the country’s history.

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