Contacted by franceinfo, the bishopric of Bayonne denies these accusations.
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The SOS Homophobia association accuses the bishop of Bayonne-Lescar-Oloron, Marc Aillet, of “legitimize” the implementation of conversion therapies, France Bleu Pays Basque and franceinfo reported on Monday, while a Vatican document, published on December 18, authorizes the blessing of couples in an irregular situation “unmarried divorced” and homosexuals. This text, signed by Pope Francis, specifies that it is a blessing outside of any liturgical rite, such as marriage. Rome also specifies that this text is sufficient to provide a framework for the priests concerned by these blessings.
In a note published on the diocese website Friday, December 29, the bishop of Bayonne-Lescar-Oloron, Marc Aillet, invites the priests of the diocese, “if people ask for it, to give them a blessing, provided that it is to each person individually, calling them to conversion and inviting them to ask for the help of grace that the Lord grants to all those who give it to him ask to conform their lives to the Will of God”.
The SOS Homophobia association denounces this position. She believes that the prelate requires conditions deemed discriminatory for homosexual couples who would like to receive this blessing. For the association, it is clearly a question of “legitimize” conversion therapies. These practices are sometimes also called sexual reorientation therapies, a set of pseudo-scientific treatments with the controversial goal of attempting to change one’s sexual orientation to religion. This practice is prohibited in France.
The bishopric of Bayonne points to “an erroneous interpretation”
SOS Homophobia sees in the bishop’s text “denial of the person, almost blackmail”. “It’s a form of injunction to change one’s sexual orientation as if it were a choice”, explains to franceinfo Véronique Godet, co-president of SOS Homophobia. According to her, Marc Aillet “talks about people engaged in homosexual activity or presenting themselves as such”, a postulate “both hurtful and reductive”. She also denounces the fact that “each person” is received “individually”. “We have a couple whose existence we immediately deny, since it is individually that we will meet the person by weakening them”believes Véronique Godet.
Requested by franceinfo, the bishopric of Bayonne points “an erroneous interpretation” from the note of Mgr Aillet. It is not a question of conversion therapy, specifies the bishopric, but of a reference to the Gospel which invites “all believers to change direction to take the right path”.