The song Secret wins the SOCAN Songwriting Prize

It’s the haunting song Secretperformed by Hubert Lenoir, who won the 2022 SOCAN Songwriting Prize.

Posted at 6:00 p.m.

Luc Boulanger

Luc Boulanger
The Press

The singer and his co-authors, Félix Petit and Julyan, received the award late Tuesday afternoon, as part of the SOCAN aperitif at the Rendez-vous Pros des Francos.

The room Secret is taken from Lenoir’s second album, Pictura de ipse: Direct musicreleased in September 2021 (Simone Records).

“I feel like I’ve wanted to write this song since I was 16. It’s a song about unrequited love and the rejection that awaits you when you’re different, “said the artist about Secret, in interview with The Presswhen the single was released last summer.

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