the son of the Magnanville police couple will not attend the trial

More than seven years after the assassination of police officer Jean-Baptiste Salvaing and his partner Jessica Schneider at their home in Magnanville, a relative of the assailant is on trial for complicity from Monday. The couple’s son was three years old at the time of the incident.

He is the only surviving victim of the Magnanville attack, but he will not be in the courtroom of the Paris Special Assize Court, where the trial of a relative of the assailant begins on Monday, September 25. , tried for complicity. Damien*, the son of police officer Jean-Baptiste Salvaing and his partner Jessica Schneider, murdered on June 13, 2016, will not attend the trial. This knife attack caused immense shock within the police. The two police officers were killed at home in the presence of their son, aged 3 at the time. A little boy today very protected by those around him.

>> Magnanville attack: “Not a week goes by without thinking of JB or Jessica,” confides a close friend of the police couple killed 7 years ago

The child is today raised by his paternal aunt, who has guardianship. He lives near his grandparents. He is a ten-year-old boy whom his lawyer, Pauline Dufourq, preferred never to meet. “It was a choice. We felt that he was too young to be confronted with justice and all that it represents. Including a lawyer, who participates in it.”

“How is Damien*, it’s a complicated question”

This little boy was three years old when he saw his mother being killed by the terrorist. He will then remain alone with him for several hours. This Monday, June 13, 2016, shortly after 8 p.m., Jean-Baptiste Salvaing returns from the Mureaux police station where he is commander. He was stabbed several times in front of his home. The assailant then retreated to the police officer’s home, sequestering the latter’s partner, Jessica Schneider, administrative agent in a neighboring police station, in Mantes-la-Jolie, and their son. During the night, the Raid attacked and killed the jihadist. The police discovered the 36-year-old woman with her throat slit and the child in a state of astonishment.

Seven years later, those close to him are optimistic about his future, even if the trauma remains intact. “We give him all the attention he deserves and that’s really normal,” says Nicolas*, police officer, friend of the couple. “How is Damien*, it’s a complicated question, continues Pauline Dufourq. When you have such background, so young, you can’t be like all little children, it’s not possible. So, no, I can’t tell you that he’s a child like everyone else. Nevertheless, we give him all the keys to succeed and the love which is important to flourish. He’s lucky to be well surrounded.”

The child will not go to trial. His lawyer will request a partial closed session when the elements about his private life will be discussed. “It’s important, to preserve this child. Would we want this legal or media treatment to happen to our own children? If the answer is negative, we should not go there.” Even absent, his testimony collected after the facts will be mentioned by the special assize court during its two and a half weeks of hearing.

*First names have been changed.

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