the son of a prostitute writes to him at the Elysée… his call for help revealed!

As First Lady, Brigitte Macron is on all fronts! On a daily basis, she receives thousands of letters at the Élysée. Lately, one of them may have caught his attention… Right now, Jimmy Paradis, son of a prostitute and a pimp, is making a lot of noise. The latter wishes to raise public awareness about street prostitution, which he wishes to have banned in France.

“15% of women who prostitute themselves have actually chosen this activity”he informed our colleagues ofWest France this Wednesday, June 29, 2022. As Jimmy Paradis pointed out, he sent a letter to the wife of Emmanuel Macron during the legislative elections. With the right words, the principal concerned has “begged” Brigitte Macron to take a close interest in her request.

“We’ve only had amendments and scoops since 1946!” », he underlined and to specify: “We cannot ban prostitution! It has always existed! It is a false debate and announcement effects. » According to this former member of the Syndicate of Sex Work (Strass), the dream law should regulate prostitution as well as possible and be firmer towards pimps because abuses are not uncommon. Quite the contrary!

“I will fight until my last breath…”

Jimmy Paradis has been wanting to get things moving for years… Not without difficulty! Numerous testimonies continue to revolt him to the highest degree. “Each time, I have the impression of seeing my mother! », he always confessed for our colleagues. “Women could work in apartments. They would all be declared and have a SIRET number”.

Regarding brothels, Jimmy Paradis is quite divided for people under 21: “ Before this age, they cannot be consenting. I do not believe it “, he analyzed and concluded: “I will go all the way. I will fight until my last breath. »


to see also: Emmanuel Macron unfaithful to Brigitte? The whole truth about this terrible rumor that shook their relationship

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