the Somme Human Rights League files a new complaint “to relaunch the investigation”

These leaflets, which link to a website condemned for negationist, racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic comments, were distributed to elected officials and individuals throughout France in June 2023.



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A man with a kippah near a synagogue.  (RONNY HARTMANN / AFP)

The Human Rights League (LDH) of the Somme will file, Monday June 3, a new complaint with the constitution of a civil party, after the discovery of anti-Semitic and homophobic leaflets, a year ago, in Hébécourt, a small town south of Amiens, announces the association to France Bleu Picardie. The same leaflets were left in other municipalities, in different departments throughout France.

France Bleu Picardie was able to consult this complaint against “public incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence, public defamation, public insult and apology for crimes against humanity”, addressed to the Amiens judicial court. The LDH recalls the content of these leaflets. “White man, are you tired of seeing Jews destroy your country through immigration, queer-LGBT degeneration and war? Join us to re-establish white domination in Europe”, could we read on these letters which also included swastikas and the Nazi eagle.

This second complaint should make it possible to refer the matter to an investigating judge, “to relaunch the investigation”, explains to France Bleu Picardie, Me Stéphane Diboundje, lawyer for the LDH. He warns :“This is a serious subject on which the Human Rights League does not intend to weaken.” Me Diboundje specifies that he has not received any feedback from the first complaint filed by the association in June 2023.

The same leaflets were left in other municipalities, in different departments throughout France. They “were distributed in two neighborhoods of the town, Devèze and Campredron. It’s unthinkable” denounced for example Serge Cathala, the mayor of Quissac (Gard), on France Bleu Gard Lozère in December 2023. Last November, the mayor of Belfort, Damien Meslot, contacted the public prosecutor, wishing that “justice intervenes quickly“The investigation for provocation of racial hatred was opened by the prosecution, reported France Bleu Belfort-Montbéliard at the time.

The prefect of Finistère “deeply outraged” that neo-Nazi leaflets could have been distributed “particularly with town halls”, adding that a judicial investigation was opened, in a press release relayed by France Bleu Breizh Izel. The city of Mulhouse, the local branch of La France insoumise also reported these same leaflets to the public prosecutor, in July 2023, reported France Bleu Alsace. The mayor of Genlis (Côte-d’Or) filed a complaint for “incitement to racial hatred” after the distribution of these letters in the mailboxes of the hundred or so residents of the town. The department prefecture had the same. “Research is underway for possible overlaps,” indicated Olivier Caracotch, public prosecutor of Dijon, then told France Bleu Bourgogne.

Me Stéphane Diboundje reminds this Monday on France Bleu Picardie that these distributions follow a message posted on a social network, “where a certain number of very precise instructions were given on the operating mode so as not to be surprised”, such as not handling leaflets with bare hands, wearing a health mask and a hood or even parking in an unlit area. The standard letter is available on a neo-Nazi website.

The leaflet refers to the “DemPart” website (for “Participatory Democracy”), which the courts asked to block at the end of 2018 following multiple convictions on negationist, racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic comments. The site, still visible in France, because hosted in the United States, calls in particular to support the French Holocaust denier Vincent Reynouard, arrested on November 10, 2022 in Scotland after multiple convictions by the French justice system.

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