the Solidaires union will not participate

The National Council for Refoundation is a forum for dialogue imagined by the Head of State to discuss the next major reforms to be carried out, such as those concerning schools or hospitals, for example.

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The Solidaires union announces, Friday, September 2, that it will not participate in the launch of the National Council for Refoundation (CNR) scheduled for September 8, learned franceinfo from the union training.

>> National Refoundation Council: who takes part, who refuses to go and who hesitates?

Among the unions, some have already announced their participation, such as the CFDT, the CFTC or the CFE-CGC. But the latter, through the voice of its president François Hommeril on franceinfo Wednesday, believed that “This National Council for Refoundation smells like fraud”. For their part, the CGT, Force Ouvrière or even the FSU have not yet spoken on the subject.

On the political side, many opposition formations have indicated that they do not want to participate in the CNR. The four formations of the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) will not participate, as well as Les Républicains and the National Rally. Among the political personalities, the president of the Senate Gérard Larcher and the former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe will not go either. Another withdrawal, the main associations of elected officials gathered under the common banner of United Territories, decided during a meeting on Friday morning, not to participate in the launch of the National Council for Refoundation.

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