the Socialist Party will resume its discussions Sunday evening with La France insoumise, announces Olivier Faure

While the Socialists had interrupted discussions with the rebels on Friday to reach an agreement in the context of the legislative elections, these will resume on Sunday, according to the First Secretary of the Socialist Party.

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Discussions between the Socialist Party and La France insoumise to reach an agreement for the legislative elections will resume on the evening of Sunday May 1, franceinfo learned from the party’s first secretary, Olivier Faure. These discussions, which began the day after the second round of the presidential election, were interrupted on Friday by the Socialists who denounced the attitudes “hegemonic” of La France insoumise and the term of “disobedience” about the European treaties.

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“There is a real discussion”had assured a few hours earlier Olivier Faure, guest of “Political Questions” on franceinfo, France Inter and The world. He promised that the work of reflection would continue “in the next few hours”. For his part, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of La France insoumise, explained before the start of the May Day parade that “Discussions will have to end tonight”. “We are a few millimeters away from hearing each otherhe assured. Next May 3, in memory of the Popular Front, we will have signed and we will have the new Popular Union.”

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