The socialist mayor of Coulaines, Christophe Rouillon, signed a check for 100 euros for Valérie Pécresse, in response to the appeal for donations launched by the candidate Les Républicains. Passed below the 5% mark in the first round, the LR campaign will not be reimbursed. The Sarthois mayor calls for “all democrats” to do the same on behalf of “political pluralism”.
“A spontaneous reaction”
“It’s a spontaneous reaction”explains Christophe Rouillon. “Valérie Pécresse represents an old political current in our country which is now threatened with extinction”.
Political pluralism is important.
He specifies that he does not share the ideas of the candidate Les Républicains but she “embodies the ideas of the Republic”. In addition to the fact that “his grandfather was resistant”, She is “unambiguously in his fight against the National Rally.” The mayor also says “personally touched” by the personal investment of Valérie Pécresse in his campaign to the tune of five million euros “to defend his ideas”. He has already made a donation for his candidate Anne Hidalgo and says he is ready to make a donation for Yannick Jadotthe candidate of Europe Ecology the Greens.