the socialist Boris Vallaud castigates Stanislas Guerini’s “com”

“The problem is the attractiveness of the civil service”, with “tens of thousands of unfilled positions”, points out the leader of the socialist deputies.


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Boris Vallaud, leader of socialist deputies, April 11, 2024 on France Inter.  (FRANCE INTER / RADIO FRANCE)

By indicating Tuesday want “lift the taboo of dismissal in the public service”the Minister of the Civil Service Stanislas Guerini made “com”criticized the leader of the socialist deputies Boris Vallaud on Thursday April 11 on France Inter.

For the Landes deputy, “attack the status of the civil service rather than worrying about their working conditions, the quality of the service provided, their remuneration” and an “obsession” of a “right-wing Minister of the Civil Service”.

“We are being told about layoffs when there are tens of thousands of civil servant positions that are not filled”he denounced. “The problem is the attractiveness of the civil service”, underlined the Landes elected official. Stanislas Gerini launched on Tuesday the consultation around the reform of the civil service, which aims in particular to increase merit-based remuneration of civil servants and facilitate transfers from one branch to another of the civil service (State, territorial, hospital) .

The project is criticized by civil servant unions, such as the CGT civil service which on Franceinfo is dismissing “a red line” and ensures that‘”there are processes that already exist”. The CGT has announced the filing of a strike notice covering the Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer.

“We have a minister who plays with matches.”

Boris Vallaud, leader of socialist deputies

at franceinfo

“He must remember that you can get burned when you play with matches”tackled the PS deputy. “The minister is committing not only imprudence, but a deviation from what should be put on the table”he added.

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